Friday, December 17, 2010

DCM Wins Nailbiter

Franklin, Oh (AP) - A wise man once said, "All good things come to an end." This has been seen over and over throughout the national sports landscape, especially this year. Last month, we saw Team Shooters historic 21 game winning streak come to an end at Kettering Rec Center, and just last week, Brett Favre's consecutive starts streak came to an end in a game against the Giants. So, trailing most of the game, one couldn't help but think that maybe it was time for the Dayton-Cincinnati Megalopoli to drop their first game in years, playing a hard working and smart Undeniable team. But, by now, we should know better than to doubt DCM. Digging deep, the Megalopoli overcame deficits throughout the game to pull out an 8-5 victory that was much closer than the final score indicated.

Scoring just 45 seconds into the game on one of his patented slalomed runs through the defense, Justin Davisson put the defending league champs ahead 1-0. "After that quick goal, I think we thought it was going to be a walk in the park," said goalkeeper John Pallant. "Usually when we put it in that early, we continue to pound away all night long." But the frisky players for Undeniable answered back with two straight goals to lead 2-1. The score stayed this way until the 22 minute mark when Davisson broke through again to knot the score at two. Undeniable scored their third just 3 minutes later to take a 3-2 lead, the latest the Megalopoli had trailed all season.

"I'm not going to lie, when I looked up at the scoreboard and saw us losing with 18 minutes left, doubt started to creep into my mind. It wasn't just that they were leading, but we weren't attacking the way we normally do," said Chris Bills, team leader in fouls. He was right, the vaunted DCM attack was off all night. Undeniable was content to keep two defenders back at all times having the lead, and with league scoring leader Ben Sicnolf having battled the Bowel Gods all day, there was some doubt that DCM may not be able to score enough to win the game. That's when newly wedded Phil Johnson began to take charge. Subbing in the game, trailing 3-2, Phil worked a magical give and go, receiving the ball in the middle of the final third. Taking one extra touch, he blasted the ball past the oncoming goalie just as he was getting tripped from behind. The goal ignited the crowd, and seemed to light a fire under DCM. "I try to do the dirty work for this team. I know the best thing I can do is to play as hard as I can. Good things happen when you play with maximum effort," said Johnson after the game, grinning from ear to cock.

With the score tied 3-3, Eddie Marrinan broke down the left side of the field. Firing the ball off the wall just beside the goal, Marrinan followed his own rebound, and after a scrum that left Undeniable calling for a handball, Marrinan calmly knocked the ball into the net. "It's not a handball if they don't call it," said Marrinan, when asked if he used his arm to settle the ball. Sensing that the game was hanging in the balance, Dan Kimble became a much more active player as well. Normally content to stay in the defensive end, Kimble continued to charge forward, which allowed the game to become much more wide open. With the score at 4-3 with 10 minutes remaining, John Pallant made one of the biggest stops of the game. Saving the ball, he popped up to quickly outlet a pass to Davisson who was streaking down the right side, making for a 2-1 with Sicnolf to his left. Davisson waited until the last second before playing a square ball across the goal that Sicnolf calmly placed in, giving DCM the 5-3 advantage. However, Undeniable showed their mettle, netting two goals in a matter of minutes, knotting the score at 5-5, with just a few minutes remaining.

"That's when we really show what we're made of. A tie game, just a few minutes remaining, it usually comes down to who wants it more," said Ervin Perviz, a candidate for rookie of the year. Fellow rookie Chris Bills was the first one to step up, as he and Sicnolf connected on another 2-on-1 that saw Sicnolf nutmeg the goalkeeper for his second of the game, giving DCM the lead 6-5 with five minutes left in the match. Sicnolf followed that with his third tally of the night, following up on another play set up by Phil Johnson's hustle and hard work. Finally, Sicnolf capped off the scoring, netting his fourth of the game with a little over two minutes remaining to remove all doubt, giving DCM the 8-5 win. Sicnolf struggled all night with his endurance and his focus, but in the end, he came through with 4 goals when they were needed most.

"Undeniable was a good team, there is no denying that," said Mark McDonald, following the game. "They denied many of our scoring attempts throughout the game, but in the end it was undeniable that we were the better team."


Sicnolf - 4
Davisson - 2
Marrinan - 1
Johnson - 1

Jared Jewelers Game Ball - Phil Johnson

It wasn't just Phil's highlight reel goal that finds him earning the game ball on this night (though, that goal will be making its way to a SportsCenter highlight near you). It was more the attitude and effort that Johnson brought to the game. Seeing his team faltering right before his eyes, Johnson made it his duty to carry his team and motivate them to the win. Playing with reckless abandon and spirited effort, Johnson lead the comeback charge against Undeniable and was instrumental in DCM's win.

This moves the team to 4-0, good for first place in the league. On the season, DCM has now outscored their opponents 30-15.

Season Goal Totals

Sicnolf - 13
Davisson - 10
Perviz - 2
Kyle - 1
Marrinan - 1
Bills - 1
McDonald - 1
Johnson - 1

DCM returns to action next Thursday, December 23, at 9:00 p.m., when they take on Chrom Parts.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DCM Wins

There is no report, but we were able to locate a box score


Justin Davisson - 5
Ervin Perviz - 2
Ben Sicnolf - 2
Kyle - 1

Final Score: 10-4

DCM improves to 3-0 on the season.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pallant Shines as DCM Nips Bargo's FC in Thriller

Franklin, OH (AP) - Indoor soccer is often high scoring affair, where the winner is whoever can put up the most goals. After averaging over 8 goals per game last season, followed by putting up a 10 spot on their opponents in the season opener, it looked as though the Megalopoli would once again cleveland steam roll the competition. However, facing off against a tough Bargo's FC team that allowed just one game in its opener, it was clear right from the start that DCM would need to win this battle with defense. And that's exactly what they did, as goalkeeper John Pallant led his team to a 2-1 victory in this heated contest between league heavyweights.

Looking at the benches, fans of the Megalopoli had looks of concern on their face before the match even began. Bargo's had no fewer than 7 substitutes on the bench, while DCM started with just one reserve. Team runner Mark McDonald was out with the mumps (really), and Kyle and Chris Bills were absent as well. Kyle's absence was especially interesting, as the only reasoning for him not being there was given by teammate Justin Davisson by saying, "He dates a Puerto Rican girl. No, like, a girl that actually lives in Puerto Rican." Somehow that barred him from inclusion in this game, as he did not show up. (Maybe he was in the PR visiting her, but that could not be confirmed as the game was about to begin.) Phil Johnson arrived just after play began, giving DCM their second substitute.

Some poor finishing and impressive stops from each team's goalkeeper left the teams in a scoreless battle after 18 minutes of the 40 minute game. "You could tell Bargo's came out ready to play," said Dan Kimble, the team's defensive leader. "At one point, I was running back on defense and fell down and rolled over in an attempt to throw the other team off, but they weren't fazed by the ploy. That's when I knew we were in for a tough match up." Kimble was right. Bargo's - last year's Thursday night champions - were clearly not intimidated with playing DCM, the reigning Tuesday night champs. Pallant kept DCM in the game with stop after stop, but you could sense that Bargo's would soon put one away. Following a controversial allowing of a re-kick of a dead ball, Bargo's finally broke the brick wall DCM had in the net to take the lead 1-0. "When the ref let them retake that kick, you could tell it was going to be 'One of those nights'," said Pallant, clearly still frustrated about the incident. "I know I'm going to get fined for this, but I don't care. It felt like we were playing 6-on-8 out there with the refs against us too."

Eddie Marinnan, team giant, said about falling behind, "Yeah, that's certainly not something we're used to, playing from behind. But you don't get to the level we're at without having had to overcome some adversity. We're a Band of Brothers out there. We just needed to stick together and keep playing our game." Eddie was right as it was just one minute later that DCM forward Ben Sicnolf broke free. After several attempts on goal had been stymied earlier in the game, Sicnolf was sure footed as he crossed up his defender and fired a bullet of a left footed shot over the goal keeper and into the back of the net.

For the next 10 minutes, the game was an all out battle of wills. Neither team was backing down, and it was becoming a question of "Who would blink first?" That question was answered when a fat man blinked worse than giant-eyed Gale Devers in a dust storm. With 10:45 on the clock, Sicnolf received the ball in the corner. He was brought down by a fat Bargo's defender. Instead of just simply backing off after the foul, the fat Bargo's defender began taunting Sicnolf and telling him to "get up." Sicnolf did get up, and began to continually call the defender various forms of "fat a**" and "fat person." This caused the defender to get right up in Sicnolf's face to follow him around before the free kick. After the kick ricocheted of the wall, it bounced free to Sicnolf on the left side. Having the ball at his feet, Sicnolf taunted the fat defender by saying, "Ok, you ready? Are you ready?" The fat defender stabbed at the ball, as Sicnolf quickly avoided the tackle streaking down the left side. Spotting Justin Davisson running across the mouth of the goal, Sicnolf fed a low driven ball into his feet. Davisson deftly side-footed the ball into the side of the net, giving the Megalopoli the lead at 2-1. This left Sicnolf next to the fat defender for one last "I literally do not have time for fat people" comment following the goal. That's when the fat defender snapped, attempting to elbow Sicnolf. Hitting him in the chest with just a glancing blow, the referee across the field spotted the infraction, ejecting the fat defender on the spot. This also gave DCM a man-up advantage for 5 minutes. Although they did not get another goal, it provided them with a substantial amount of rest.

The last 5 minutes saw Bargo's buzzing around the net. Time after time, Hensler, Phil, and Kimble closed down on defenders before they could get a clean shot off. And any time they did, Pallant was there to swipe the ball away. With about 2 minutes remaining, Bargo's had their last great chance. Beating Sicnolf off the dribble, their best forward blasted a shot toward net. It seemed as though he was surely destined for a goal. However, once again, Pallant delivered the goods. Quickly falling to one knee, he not only blocked the shot, but covered up the rebound. After a few more tense moments, DCM came away with their hardest fought victory in years. Newcomer Ervin said after the game: "Seeing my teammates hustle to the ball really inspired me. I'm not going to lie, I was tired at the end. But when you see the other guys working the way they are, you can't help but work hard as well."


Sicnolf - 1, Davisson - 1

The Time Warner Cable Man of the Match - John Pallant

Earning this honor for the second time in as many games, Pallant proved once again why he may be the most valued member on his team. Pallant continually stopped shots that recalled images of former DCM goalkeeping legend Dan Saluke. It's easy to see why he was tabbed as pre-season first team all defense. Right now DCM is having trouble scoring the ball, but it's possible that their defense is playing better than ever, with Pallant as the backbone in the net.